
You are currently browsing posts of the "happy" tag.
Nuno and Bruno Wedding

Nuno & Bruno’s Wedding

Wedding Location: Quinta Pezinhos no Tejo Animation: MC Eventos Today I bring you a wedding that had a particular situation. It was delayed 2 years because of covid, it was supposed to happen in 2019. Nuno and Bruno got tired and decided to marry last year through civil registration and this year on the 21st ...

Nicole's Beach Photoshoot

Beach Photoshoot with Nicole

Yesterday was photoshoot day with Nicole, a recurring client. She contacted me to schedule a beach photoshoot and of course I was excited, after all, beach is where I photogaphed the most in the past! She wanted to do something “wow” and sensual, so we did! See below the results! What did you think? Share ...

Valter and Patricia Wedding

Casamento Valter e Patrícia

Casamento animado e feliz! Prontos para ler este post? Local da Boda: Quinta Acordeon Animação e Música: Fernando Lopes Banda: 4Funk Hoje venho-vos mostrar algumas fotografias do casamento do Valter e da Patrícia e contar-vos como correu este dia especial, cheio de emoções e surpresas. Começamos por ...